Murder Day 5 – This time it’s personal.

So the scene of crime had been set up and the suspects briefed as to why they might have wanted to kill Mr Denton.IMG_1339 Poor Mr Denton, no one likes him very much. The day kicked off with the Forensic scientists in full CSI gear, gathering evidence from the scene of the crime. Amongst the clues were several poisonous leaves, which were analysed by the Biologists. They cross referenced their findings with Mr Denton’s pathology and Dr reports and came to the conclusion that poor Mr Denton had been a victim of poisoning, though that is not what killed him. It seems our murderer was impatient and ended up shooting Mr Denton. The Physicists established that the gun had been fired from the second floor and ascertained how quickly the suspect fled from the car park. The Psychologists drafted an offender profile and then questioned the suspects, using the Reid Technique, a technique that is not allowed in this country. Fortunately, the lawyers sat in to ensure that the suspects rights were respected. Whilst the lawyers prepared their cases for court, the other students either had a talk from a prison psychologist or spent some time building a housing estate out of boxes. It has been established that certain environments can attract crime. The students’ original remit was to build an estate that would discourage crime, but it seemed far more fun to create one that attracted crime, and so that is what we did (dark alleys galore).IMG_1349 The English students filmed the whole day as well as creating both tabloid and broadsheet articles. You can find these posted on the blog. As ever the day ended with a full blown trial. The accused, Miss Ballistic, tried to look sad as she gave her evidence. We did not find her display convincing. The forensics team and Psychologists gave their expert opinions and the jury….? The jury were split 50/50 and so Miss Ballistic walked free.